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To use the no code ai (, we need to get the proper images for the model. There is a python library called the google-images-download. But google-image-download no longer works after 2020. I found the solution so i want to share the content.

Develop environment

  • windows 10
  • miniconda3 (Miniconda3-py37_4.10.3-Windows-x86_64)

Github issue

Unfortunately all 20 could not be downloaded because some images were not downloadable Github Issue.


Joeclinton1 solved the issue. Solution

Installation on windows

conda install selenium
git clone
cd google-images-download

Open the windows cmd terminal.

python install

Add the on the same folder.

from google_images_download import google_images_download   #importing the library

response = google_images_download.googleimagesdownload() #class instantiation

arguments = {"keywords":"Polar bears,baloons,Beaches","limit":20,"print_urls":True} #creating list of arguments
paths = #passing the arguments to the function
print(paths) #printing absolute paths of the downloaded imagess

You could see the downloads folder after the downloads are succeeded.